
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Chihayafuru - Chapter 87

Apologies for the delay, everyone! But good things come to those who wait, and Chihayafuru Chapter 87 is now online and ready to read!

The chapter is all over the Interwebs (such as at Batoto), and you can also download the new chapter here.

We're still getting the hang of this whole scanlation process thing, so thanks so much for your patience and please bear with us (pun intended) as we continue to work on the missing chapters.



  1. WOW! There is actually a chance for Chihayafuru to be completely translated one day thanks to you. Thanks for your efforts!

    By the way chapters 106-108 were already done by someone else. (Talking about the "About us" panel on the right.)

    1. Editor Dee here! Actually, that that "someone else" was us before we had a group name. ^^; I posted "quickie translation" scripts to my blog because I was annoyed that no one had translated those three chapters, and then Ravenanne found the scripts and was kind enough to clean and typeset the scans.

      But like I said, it was a quickie translation, so there were errors. Karice (a much better Japanese-to-English translator than yours truly) got in touch with me and helped me hammer out some of the problem points. We've updated the scripts and now we're in the process of updating the scans, too.

      We'll let you know when "version 2.0" is available. We'll be attaching the Vol. 20 omake to it this time as well, so look forward to that! ^_^

  2. Hey it's Yakkul, that one nooby translator. Congratz on getting your first two releases out! Reading them was incredibly enjoyable. Sorry I haven't responded to your email yet, Karice. Things have been a little hectic around here.

    1. Thank you ^^ it's nice to have the second one the task is to try and keep it up... I'm just really glad to be working with two people who are very good at what they do!

      And no worries - I'm guessing you're busy being back to uni etc, and that comes first!

  3. Thank you so much for picking this up!

  4. Hi, just checking if you are still alive or what.

    1. Editor Dee here. And yes, sorry, we're alive, just experiencing some technical difficulties. We have a few other chapters translated but Real Life happened and the scanlations are taking longer to produce than expected. We are working on it, though! A thousand apologies for the long delay, and I'll make an official post/announcement as soon as I have a better idea of when the next chapter's going to be ready to go.

  5. Hi translator people :)

    I really hope you can complete Chihayafuru one day. I really love this series and am actually a bit devastated by the fact that there are so many missing chapters. Sadly though, I am just a mere 15 year old Dutch high school girl who is trying to learn a bit of katakana and hiragana while also continuing with my studies. That's why I really hope you'll go on with translating the manga! If you feel discouraged, don't be. Because a lot of people will be really thankful when this missing chapters appear.

    I really hope you will go on, and I will wait for the day that you do.

    Yours faithfully, Annemieke.

  6. Hi! I bookmarked this site so I could check it out every once in a while for updates. Thank you so much for volunteering to fill the gap in the Chihayafuru scanlations, I'll be sure to read them religiously as soon as they come out! Good luck to you guys and you can do it! Believe it!

  7. It was year since you posted last chapter, but we not loosing faith!

  8. My only wish is for you to start with chapter 50. I agree with all the other commenters. This manga is awesome and it deserves to be finished. Cuz you know ATM, it has torned pages. T.T

  9. I really hope you will go on, and I will wait for the day that you do.

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