
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

RolyBear Is Back!

Hey team! Your friendly neighborhood editor here to tell you that RBP is still alive and translating away! Our previous cleaner/typesetter had to quit the team when real life got too crazy and things stalled out on our end during that time, but fortunately some lovely volunteers stepped in to help us continue the project. You can get acquainted with our new members over on the Team page.

We've got a backlog of edited chapters and are hard at work producing the scanlations for you oh-so-patient readers. I know this isn't exactly what you all were looking for, but we wanted to get used to working with each other before we started producing brand new material, so we fixed our previous Chapter 106 translation (we'd been meaning to do that anyway) and got it out onto the Interwebs. You can find the new version on Batoto.

Aaaaand now that we've settled into our roles, we've started work on Chapter 86. So keep your eyes peeled for that, and I hope to talk to you all again soon!



  1. glad to see you guys back! i'm still waiting for you guys to do the gap in chapters before reading more even though i watched the anime. thanks for all the hard work!

  2. hello hello
    will you keep on translating? i know it must be hard to work on this kind of proyects for free, and i really truly appreciate it, but it'd be AMAZING to finally see the missing chapters of chihayafuru scanned and translated.
    whatever the news, thank you for your dedication!

    1. We're in the process of finalizing several chapters at once right now, so we're hoping to have a small batch of updates to give you before too much longer. Thanks for your patience!
